2023 Annual Report | Page 18

Partner Success

Cameroon Wildlife Conservation Society
As many as a quarter of Africa ’ s amphibian species live in the misty , montane cloud forests wrapped around Mount Manengouba , an extinct volcano on the Gulf of Guinea in the highlands of Cameroon . These forests host the greatest number of chameleon species on mainland Africa , and they are aggressively captured for the illegal , international pet trade . rainforest as the Mount Manengouba Herpeto-ornithological Sanctuary , a new ecological reserve for rare species .
Thanks to our donors , our partner is now working with traditional leaders on natural resources management planning for the reserve , while constructing new ranger stations and hiring and equipping additional forestry and wildlife rangers from neighboring villages to patrol and manage the area .
latin america & the caribbean
AQUASIS half of the manakins who cling to life here , Rainforest Trust and AQUASIS announced plans to protect an additional 1,231 acres that form a vital corridor between the birds ’ feeding and breeding areas .
These delicate highlands are highly threatened by the growing human population , agriculture , grazing , extraction of resources , and because conservation in the region is challenging . Rainforest Trust collaborated with Cameroon Wildlife Conservation Society to work on upgrading the legal status of the most vulnerable areas . In February 2023 , as part of the Government of Cameroon ’ s five-year action plan to protect 30 % of the national territory , the Prime Minister officially designated 11,604 acres of
One of the rarest birds on Earth — with its population estimated at just 500 adults — the Araripe Manakin nests above year-round running streams on the slopes of the Araripe Plateau in northeast Brazil . The plateau itself is semi-arid , but springs from an ancient aquifer feed the streams that run down its steep slopes , creating lush pockets of humid , riparian rainforest before going on to meet the needs of more than 1 million people .
The Critically Endangered Araripe Manakin requires specific fruiting plant species to feed and breed in this unique forest habitat , and all of it faces destruction , as streams are diverted and housing developments and agricultural fields spread up the slopes . Our partner , Associação de Pesquisa e Preservação de Ecossistemas Aquáticos ( AQUASIS ), created the private Araripe Oasis Reserve in 2016 to recover critical areas along the streams for the rare bird . In 2023 , in a move to safeguard over
The bright red , helmet-like crown of the male manakins inspired the name “ Little Soldier of Araripe .” AQUASIS has been so effective at raising awareness of its plight that it is known as the “ guardian of the waters .”
Forum Konservasi Leuser
On the Indonesian island of Sumatra , the Sumatran Rhinoceros , Sumatran Tiger , Sumatran Orangutan and Sumatran Elephant – all Critically Endangered – coexist in the vast , intact forest of the Leuser
above Goliath Frog | meunierd-shutterstock center Araripe Manakin | agami photo agency-shutterstock right Sumatran Tiger | chris humphries-shutterstock
18 Rainforest Trust 2023 Annual Report
Pfeffer ' s Chameleon | nick henn-shutterstock