2023-24 | Page 32

choreographing a dance for it , Doshi depicts the smoke that Willis predicted , she finds the ‘ new words ’ for liberation through her writing . For this , the witch , as an identity term , should not be ‘ ashamed to die ’; in this anthology , there could be no reclamation of women ’ s agency without the precedence of naming the struggle that poems like ‘ Her Kind ’ portray .
Considering this , what will the future bring for the witch ? As we know , the witch ’ s contradictions will not unravel with passive speculation of what we ‘ have heard ’ or ‘ known ’ them to be like . If we are to ‘ Break a Curse ’ we must read the final poem by Danielle Boodoo-Fortuné , which visualises a hopeful future . Boodoo-Fortuné ’ s poem centres the female voice unlike any previous poem , as ‘ you ’ are for the first time in the anthology an explicitly female listener . Only in this female poetic space , can we access the