MR . EUGENE BLAKE of Tulsa , Oklahoma began his career in dogs in 1954 as a dog bather in a grooming shop in Houston , Texas . By 1957 , he was exhibiting his own dogs of various breeds . Mr . Blake credits Hazel Hamm and Jimmy Andrews , his mentors , for schooling him about grooming , handling , and ultimately propelling him into a lifetime of purebred dogs . As a professional handler , he piloted multiple breeds to number one rankings . Notable achievements include handling a Saluki named Karim into the top 10 rankings All-Breeds , and winning the Hound Group at Westminster in 1973 , with an Afghan Hound named Apollo .
At the beginning of his career in 1957 , Mr . Blake was not afforded , as a person of color , to stay in hotels or eat in restaurants . He hopes that his journey will inspire others to pursue a career in purebred dogs . Mr . Blake began judging in 1990 , and he is approved to judge the Hound , Sporting , Non-Sporting and Toy groups , Best in Show , and Junior Showmanship . This is his second judging assignment at Westminster .
MS . ROSALIND KRAMER of High Point , North Carolina started in the sport of purebred dogs at the age of 12 , exhibiting and breeding Wire Fox Terriers . She became a handler ’ s apprentice , learned the art of trimming and training terriers en route to becoming a professional handler . She expanded her show career by handling all terrier breeds , hounds , toy dogs , and the occasional herding and working breeds . Ms . Kramer handled many topwinning Terriers and Toys . Ms . Kramer is currently approved to judge the Terrier , Toy , and Hound groups and Best in Show . Outside the ring , she has a home and personal décor business . This is her fourth judging assignment at Westminster .
MS . EVALYN GREGORY of Louisville , Kentucky is a second-generation dog person that followed in her father ’ s footsteps first as a professional dog handler and then becoming a judge . She debuted as a six-year-old handler of Brussels Griffons and Boxers , leading to junior showmanship and all-breed handling success . Ms . Gregory was awarded her first of many Bests in Show at age 10 . At Westminster , she handled the 1996 Toy Group second-place winner , a Brussels Griffon , and owned the 2009 Toy Group winner , Lincoln , a Brussels Griffon that she co-owned with her mother . Lincoln remains the all-time top-winning smooth-coated Brussels Griffon . She judges the Toy and Non-Sporting groups , multiple Sporting , Hound , Working , and Terrier breeds , Best in Show , and Junior Showmanship . This is her third judging assignment at Westminster .
MRS . SHARON ANN REDMER of Whitmore Lake , Michigan began in 1970 training an All-American shelter rescue dog . She acquired her first Belgian Tervuren in 1971 . She bred StarBright Belgian Tervuren , which includes more than 150 AKC champions in Conformation , Obedience , Rally , Herding , and Tracking with High in Trial , and All-Breed and National Specialty Best in Show winners . In 2014 , Mrs . Redmer received the AKC Lifetime Achievement Award in Companion Events . She has judged on four continents and at numerous herding breeds ’ National Specialties . She is approved to judge the Working and Herding groups , many Sporting breeds , Poodles , Junior Showmanship , Best in Show , Obedience , and Rally . Mrs . Redmer judged the inaugural Masters Obedience Championship at Westminster in 2016 .
This is her third Westminster judging assignment .
WESTMINSTER There ’ s only one ® 27