2022 Tour of Remodeled Homes ToRH21 | Page 9

Let ’ s Go ! Directions for purchasing 2022 Tour of Remodeled Homes Tickets

Let ’ s Go ! Directions for purchasing 2022 Tour of Remodeled Homes Tickets

Tickets MUST be purchased electronically , IN ADVANCE , this year ! ALL TICKET SALES ARE FINAL – NO REFUNDS

1 . 2 .

Scan this QR Code .
If successful , you will see this logo .

4 .

Click the drop-down menu to the righthand side of “ general admission ” to choose the number of tickets you would like to purchase .

3 .

Click the green button titled “ Tickets ”.

5 .

Click the orange button titled “ checkout ”.

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7 .

Complete all fields of requested information ( First name , last name , email address and your USPS home Zip Code ).
When complete , click the orange button titled “ Place Order ”.

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10 .

You will be brought to a confirmation screen and will receive an email with your ticket purchase .
Your choice ! Print your ticket or show your ticket from your mobile electronic device at the entrance of the first home you choose on the tour .
At this point , you will receive a lanyard to wear while on Tour , validating you as a ticket holder . The lanyard allows you to attend both days ! Enjoy the Tour !
Call Sandy Beck or Alli Parker at 859.273.5117 .
Tickets not purchased electronically will be $ 15 at the door .