Balloon Bell : The First Bell in the Nation for All Kids
When a patient with cancer completes chemotherapy , they celebrate this tremendous milestone by ringing what is known as a “ warrior bell ,” often alongside their parents , grandparents , siblings , friends and the care team . This tradition at Children ’ s Hospital Colorado ’ s Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders ( CCBD ) came to an abrupt halt with visitation restrictions during the pandemic .
The CCBD team in Colorado Springs felt the heartbreak of missing this celebration during a morning huddle in April 2020 . That team included Drs . Karol Kerr , Lisa Reaves and David Harford ; advanced practice providers Kandee Schacher and Kristen Padgett ; care coordinators Rachel Kovacs and Amber House ; infusion RNs Madeline Lindsey , BSN , RN , CPN , Amy Sarver , BSN , RN , CPHON , Erin Raymond , BSN , RN , Monica Hamill , BSN , RN and Amber Reents , ADN , RN , CPN ; medical assistants Brianna Cruz , Heather Lenahan and clinical manager Kelly Miller , DNP , RN , NE-BC , CPHON .
Together , this team was determined to find a solution . They explored a bell mounted on wheels that could be used outside with less restrictions . They carefully considered social distancing , masks and materials , consulting colleagues in epidemiology . In the process , the team began dreaming of a bell available to all patients at Children ’ s Hospital Colorado , Colorado Springs , acknowledging that every child ’ s healthcare journey deserved recognition . The bell could be a symbol , an action or a moment of celebration and memorial .
Southern Colorado System of Care leaders Greg Raymond , CEO , and Kathie Seerup , MSHA , BSN , RN , NE-BC , Senior Vice President , Chief Nursing and Operations Officer , were fully engaged to sponsor the project . Raymond and Seerup explored partnerships with neighboring UCHealth Memorial North leadership . With the generous funding of the Bexley Strong Foundation , a steering group was created to guide the naming and implementation of the bell . The steering group included Wendi Strauss , DNP , RNC-OB , C-EFM , Director of Patient Care Services ; Shannon Rowe , MPH , infection preventionist ; and Kelly Miller .
With an aim to be inclusive of every child ’ s journey , the scope considered the end of a long neonatal intensive care stay , a frightening admission to the pediatric intensive care unit , the joy of completing a cancer journey or even the death of a child . An act of hope ; a moment of togetherness — ringing the bell provided comfort and meaning to patients , families and care team members . The name “ Balloon Bell ” was given , respectful of balloons often present at birthday parties , a symbol of release , and a vital element of culture of Children ’ s Colorado . Construction was completed in July , with the first ringing on July 29 , 2022 . This was followed by ten more in this first year , with two team member events at the bell remembering the loss of a patient .
Balloon Bell is the first in the nation that celebrates and remembers milestones in every patient ’ s journey . This team persevered to find a meaningful way to commemorate these moments , proving that here , it really is different .
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