Amidst soaring mountains and stunning landscapes , Tajikistan struggles with the post-Soviet legacy of high unemployment and mass migration . The poor quality of education , dilapidated school infrastructure , and shortage of welltrained teachers undermines opportunities for the country ’ s youth to receive quality education and qualify for higher paying jobs .
Teacher Training
Focusing on chemistry , biology , computer science , and math , 315 teachers ( 150 women ) received training to improve their subject matter expertise and introduce modern teaching methodologies .
Women-Run Businesses
In 2022 , 90 women participated in training on small business management , accounting , and marketing while honing their skills in baking , sewing and stitching . These businesses have already become a meaningful income source for the women and their families .
CAI awarded 58 scholarships to students ( 31 girls ), including seven Afghan students who fled following the collapse of the Afghan government . These scholarships are opening the door to a brighter future .
A New Preschool
Construction of Preschool # 2 has progressed to its final year . In early 2024 , the school will welcome 100 children ( 44 girls ) aged 3-5 and will act as a model school in the area .
“ As head of the women ’ s committee in my village , I plan to use to the information and skills I gained in the [ CAI-supported ] training to hold a mini workshop where housewives come together and get engaged in crafting and also to pass on this knowledge to the younger generation .”
- Aziza Abdulnazarova , entrepreneur in Shikush Village