Mr . & Mrs . Kevin & Emma Ackerman Ms . Brooke Adams Mr . Jeff M . Adams Mr . Shawn D . Ahern Ms . Marie Aiello Mr . Ben Albuquerque Mr . & Mrs . Mark H . Alcott Mr . & Mrs . Gregory Allen Mr . Jose Almejo Mr . & Mrs . Asberto L . Alvero Mr . Edward Amorosi Mr . John Amorosi Mr . Jonathan Armstrong Mr . Bruce Aronow Ms . Antonietta A . Avery Mr . & Mrs . Robert J . Baisley Mr . & Mrs . Thomas Baker Mr . Robert A . Barnett Ms . Christine Barton Mr . Paul Basch Mr . James Bashaw Mr . & Mrs . James Baumoel Ms . Dolores Bayer Ms . Stephanie Bayrooti Mr . Bruce Beck Mr . Larry Beck Mr . & Mrs . Michael Benjamin Mr . Scott Bessent Ms . Kirsten Bickelman Mr . Richard Birns Ms . Margie Biscardi Ms . Susan Black Mr . Elliot Blask Mr . & Mrs . Richard C . Boden Mr . John Bonanno Ms . Bianca Bonds Rev . Mark Bosco , SJ Ms . Antonia Bowring Ms . Nelda Boyd Mrs . Elizabeth R . Brennan Mr . Will Bressman Ms . Fiona Brett Ms . Wendy Brock Ms . Amy Bruhn Mr . Chris Bruno Mr . & Mrs . Thomas Bruno Mr . Scott Budde Mr . & Mrs . Brian Bull Mr . & Mrs . B . J . Burgess Mr . David Butler Ms . Marianna Buzzerio Mr . Phil Buzzerio Mr . & Mrs . Michael A . Caiati Ms . Marianne Calise Ms . Marie Calise Ms . Andrea Calvaruso Mr . Luigi M . Camia , II Mr . Paul Campson Mr . Jorge Canseco Ms . Maddalena Capellino Mr . Carlo Caringal Ms . Barbara Carter Ms . Victoria Casaccio Mr . & Mrs . Robert Casazza Mr . & Mrs . Nick Casiello Mrs . Joan D . Caso Mr . & Mrs . Jeffrey Chapski
Ms . Alexis Chesney Ms . Janine Chiariello Mrs . Sue Childs Mr . John L . Chow Mr . & Mrs . Domenick Ciaccia Mr . Anthony Cirri Dr . & Mrs . William P . Clark Mr . & Mrs . Steven Clemens Ms . Mary Ann Coleman Msgr . Robert J . Coll Mr . Michael Colon Mr . & Mrs . Brian Conboy Mr . & Mrs . James P . Conn Mr . Paul Connolly Ms . Jane Connor Mrs . Delia Conte Mr . Michael Contino Mr . Kevin Conzelmann Ms . Gloria Cook Mr . & Mrs . Steven Cooney Mr . & Mrs . James Cooper Mr . Roger Coron Mr . & Mrs . Sav Costantino Ms . Laura Covelli Mr . Gerard Crowley Mr . & Mrs . Ernesto & Austen Cruz Ms . Zoe Cruz Ms . Vanessa Curran Ms . Kendra D ’ Emilia Mr . & Mrs . Ashmi & Mimi Dang Mrs . Veronica Darcy Mr . & Mrs . Vernon Davis Mr . Salvatore D ’ Avola Det . Joussett De Jesus Mr . Frank A . De Leonardis Ms . Valarie De Lucia Mrs . Hillary H . DeBaun Mr . Peter Decker Ms . Daniela Delaney Ms . Stephanie Denaut Mr . & Mrs . Michael R . Denvir Ms . Tanvi Desai Mr . Daniel Devine Ms . Laura DeVita Mr . Frank DiMaiolo Mr . & Mrs . Giovanni & Sofia Dimaiolo Mr . Damon DiSalvatore Mr . David Disney Mr . Brian P . Doherty Mr . & Mrs . Lon Dolan Mrs . Elizabeth Donaghy Ms . Diane Donnelly Mr . & Mrs . Mark E . Donovan Mr . & Mrs . John Doyle Mr . Peter B . Doyle Ms . Mary Ann Drape Mr . Thomas Drape Ms . Maria Drattell Mr . Douglas Drew Mr . Ron Drotos Mrs . Gloria Duggan Ms . Sara Duphiney Mr . Keith Duval Mr . & Mrs . Nathan and Karen Ebeling Ms . Peggyanne Ecclesine Ms . Dara Ely Ms . Melissa Eolf
Ms . Cattherine Fabiitti The Dixon Family Ms . Marguerite Farrell Mr . Gene Farrelly Ms . Palmina M . Fava Mr . Kenneth Feldman Mr . Glennon J . Fenwick Ms . Helen Feola Mr . Nicholas Ferrara Mr . Marco Giovanni Ferrari Ms . Nancy Ann Ferraro Ms . Lucia Ferrer Ms . Sherri Fickenscher Ms . Deborah Finiello Ms . Colleen Fink Ms . Carly Fiola Dr . Christine Fiorella-Russo Mr . Jackson Fitzgerald Ms . Maureen Fleming Mr . George Flood Mr . & Mrs . Allan Flores Mrs . Celeste W . Flynn Mr . & Mrs . Sean Flynn Mr . & Mrs . James Fogarty Ms . Susan Fortenberry Ms . Alisa Fournier Ms . Diane Fox Mr . Patrick Frawley Ms . Megan Friar Ms . Aria Friedman Mr . Bryan Fryc Mrs . Virginia F . Gagnon Mr . John Gallagher Mr . Michael Galligan Mr . John Gally Mr . Antonio Galvao Mr . Warren Garden Mr . William Gartner Mr . Richard Gegenwarth Ms . Patricia Geoghegan Mr . Andrew George Mr . & Mrs . Adam Gibbs Mr . Avi Gilbert Mr . & Mrs . Ginger & Flynn Gilden Mr . Paul Gillen Ms . Alexandra Gilroy Mr . Andrew Giobbe Mr . & Mrs . Jamie Giuseppi Ms . Bernadette Gleichenhaus Ms . Patty Gloeckler Mr . Robert Goetz Ms . Irina Gomis Most Rev . Steve Gonzalez Ms . Danielle Goodwin Ms . Irene Gossett Mr . Scott Goucher Mr . & Mrs . William Gould Mr . Thomas Grace Mr . James Grady Mr . Mark Granger Mrs . Ann E . Gratzer Ms . Diane Griffith Ms . Suzanne Grimes Mr . Horacio Gutierrez Mr . and Mrs . James Hall Mr . & Mrs . Leakat Hanif Mr . & Mrs . Gregory Hanley
Mr . Jack Hardin &
Mrs . Janice Stooksberry Mr . James Hardy Mr . Eliott Harris Mr . Ernest Harris Mr . Chris Harshman Mr . Tony Haskel Ms . Kara Healy Ms . Carrie Hefferan Ms . June Heffernan Mr . Richard Heitzmann Ms . Claire Hernandez Ms . Clare B . Hickey Mrs . Martha D . Hickey Ms . Laura Hildebrant Mr . Jay Himes Mr . James Hoch Mr . & Ms . Robert Hoffman Mr . David Holahan Mr . & Mrs . Steven Hollopeter Ms . Lisa Hooper Mr . Stephen Hooper Mr . & Mrs . William A . Houlihan Mr . & Mrs . Brian Howley Mr . Francis P . Hubach Ms . Ellen Hunter Mr . Donald Hurley Ms . Claire Ianno Mr . & Mrs . Carl Icahn Ms . Carla Jackson Mr . Steven Jacobs Mr . Andre Jaglom Ms . Julie Jarvis Ms . Kaye Jimenez Mr . Geraint Jones Ms . Mary Helen Jordan Mr . James Jourden Ms . Maureen Joyce Mr . Bill Kahan Mr . Kevin Kavanagh Ms . Aileen Keaney Ms . Regina Keenan Mr . Christopher Kelly Mr . William J . Kelly Mr . & Mrs . Trevor M . Kelly-Bissonnette Ms . Caroline Kennedy Ms . Margaret Kennedy Ms . Mary Kilray Mrs . Hannah Kindelan Mr . Mason D . King , CFA Mr . Brian Kingston Ms . Janet Kocal Mr . Thomas E . Kohlberg Mr . Robert Krauss Mr . & Mrs . Matthew Kravatz Mr . & Mrs . Nick & Maureen Kuntz Ms . Patricia La Sala Ms . Aubrey Labanowski Ms . James A . LaBella Mr . Michael G . Lacinak Ms . Leslye LaClaire Mrs . Jane E . Laitman Mr . Brendan Lane Ms . Ellen Lane Mr . Craig Laurie Ms . Jennifer Layug Drs . Stephen H . Lazar Ms . Lisa Lee Ms . Dabney Lee Woglom Mr . A . Thomas Levin Mrs . Whitney Lewis Mr . & Mrs . Jonny Lezi Mr . Philip Lindenbaum Ms . Valerie Lingeman Ms . Lindsay LoBue Mr . Atif Lodhi
Mrs . Gerardine N . Looser Mr . Thomas Loughney Ms . Michelle Lowry Mr . & Mrs . Patrick J . Lyne Mr . Michael Lyons Mr . Theodore Ma Ms . Margaret Magill Mr . & Mrs . Francis X . Maher , III Ms . Maureen Malone Mr . Maurice Maloney Mr . Christopher Marangi Ms . Marisa Marinelli Mr . & Mrs . Charles & Helen Marino Ms . Lisa Martin Ms . Denise A . Martino Mr . George J . Marx Mr . Thomas Marx Mr . Dennis Mayer Mrs . Marguerite M . Mayers Mrs . Mary Mayland Ms . Catherine McCabe Mr . Michael McCooey Ms . Anjali McCormick Ms . Sandra McDonald Mr . & Ms . Jonathan McElfresh Mr . James McEvoy Mr . Carter McFarland Rev . Michael McFarland Ms . Anne McGinty Ms . Patricia McGuire Ms . Alice McHale Mr . Michael G . McKay Mr . Andrew J . McKee Mr . & Mrs . Gary W . McKee Mr . Martin and Andrew J . McKee Mr . Martin McKee Ms . Mary McKee Mr . Michael McMillen Mrs . Cathy McNally Mr . Pete McNamara Mrs . Ann McQuillan Mr . Scott McVetty Mr . David Medina Ms . Debra Menkowitz Mr . & Mrs . Kenneth A . Merlau Ms . Christy Messina Mr . Dennis Meyer Ms . Rita Meyer Mr . Christopher Millard Mr . & Mrs . George F . Miller Mr . & Mrs . Yakoov Mirocznik Ms . Helene T . Monahan Mr . Peter Montano Mr . & Mrs . Anthony Montenegro Mr . Michael Montenegro Mr . Michael Moriarty Mrs . Jean A . Mulhern Mrs . Jane Mulholland Mr . Ralph Naccarato Mr . Sean O ’ Neill Ms . Margaret P . O ’ Brien Mr . John O ’ Connell Mrs . Kathleen M . O ’ Connell Ms . & Ms . Mary E . O ’ Donnell Ms . Susan M . O ’ Donnell Mr . & Mrs . Fiachra O ’ Driscoll Ms . Jessica OHagen Mr . & Mrs . Gerard J . O ’ Hara Mr . & Mrs . John C . Ollquist Mr . Michael O ’ Mary Ms . Rachel Opatowski Mr . Grant Pace Mr . & Mrs . John G . Padovano Mr . & Mrs . James J . Palmisciano Ms . Peggie Parrot Mr . & Mrs . Richard Pastilha