2022 August Newsletter | Page 15

Hello members . I am pleased to announce the Eaglebrooke Handicap Committee :
• Kirsten Haake
• Sisi Hedges
• Florence Young ( Flo )
• J P Machek
• Tim Milcich
• Ben Nolan
• John Siddle
• Rick Weber – Club Pro - None voting member
We will be meeting periodically , most likely quarterly to review scoring , making any adjustments necessary ( Hopefully and more than likely not many ).
Please keep in mind that you are responsible for posting all your scores , even if you turn your card into the pro shop , please check on the GHIN website or smartphone app to make sure they have all been posted . If you do not have access to these apps please contact the pro shop , any committee member , or me . 9 hole or 18-hole scores are to be posted . 9-hole scores will be automatically combined by the GHIN system with any future 9-hole scores to complete an 18-hole score for Handicap purposes .
Do you know that you are still responsible for posting a score even if you do not finish all holes ? If you play 7 holes of 9 or 14 holes of 18 you are to use NET par for the balance of the holes not played because of bad weather or darkness , etc . Net par means par + any strokes you are given for these unfinished holes .
There are various circumstances that might result in a player starting a hole but not holing out . For example , when :
• The result of the hole has already been decided ,
• A hole has been conceded in match play ,
• A player ’ s partner has already posted a better score in a Four-Ball format and the player picks up , or
• A player has already reached their net double bogey limit on a specific hole .
When a player starts a hole but does not hole out for a valid reason , subject to other provisions set out within the Rules of Handicapping , the player must record their most likely score or net double bogey , whichever is lower , as appropriate for the situation and depending on the format of play . There is no limit to the number of most likely scores that can be recorded within a player ’ s adjusted gross score , provided that the failure to hole out is for a valid reason and not for the purpose of gaining an unfair scoring advantage .
More to come next month . If anyone has any questions , please feel free to contact me or check out the USGA Handicapping website : https :// www . usga . org / content / usga / home-page / handicapping . html

Tim Milcich

MGA Hnadicap Chair
AUGUST eaglebrooke newsletter 15