2022-annualreport | Page 26


The Dismantle Patriarchy contest is an opportunity to welcome ideas from young voices and minds about how we might literally dismantle — take apart , break into pieces , deconstruct — patriarchy .
Together with our partner A Call to Men , V-Day launched the Dismantle Patriarchy Contest to V-Day and One Billion Rising college and community organizers , high school administrators / educators , community partners , and youth activist networks .
V-Day focused on the college track and A Call to Men on high school . We cast a wide net promoting the contest on social media and through targeted outreach . YouthACT !, a youth-led organization helped promote the contest and its members also judged the high school entries , selecting the 10 winners . The DPC high school winners were celebrated on April 28 and 29th at A Call to Men ’ s two day in-person and virtual Youth Summit : Youth Rising for Gender Equity , held in New York City in collaboration with the Mayor ’ s Office to End Domestic & Gender-Based Violence , the Youth Leadership Council , and the Department of Education .
V-Day assembled a committee of college judges including award-winning environmental activist , CEO and author , Maya Penn ; art advisor Chela Mitchell ; and actor , dancer , and singer , Luke Ferrari . The college winners were chosen on May 20th from a pool of over 40 submissions and will be announced in June . Following the announcement , all ten winners will be invited to a Zoom session with V ( formerly Eve Ensler ), Maya , Chela , and Luke , where entrants can share about their artwork and be in conversation with one another about the themes of the contest .