2021 Winter Edition | Page 71

topside Volume 79 , Issue 1


From : L2 Auxiliary Leadership Link
The digest of US Coast Guard Auxiliary activity
16 December2020 My . cgaux Sunset Plan
As announced in the L2 Leadership Link of 10 September , my . cgaux has been discontinued as of today , 16 December 2020 .
Many of the my . cgaux links and directory items are available on the Auxiliary National website home page at cgaux . org . A link to ALAUX messages now appears as a left column menu item on the home page . A link to L2 messages will soon be added just below the ALAUX link . Additionally , links to Auxiliary information resources are available under the Aux Members dropdown on the home page .
Please direct any questions about this matter up through your CS Chain of Leadership .
From : L2 Auxiliary Leadership Link
The digest of US Coast Guard Auxiliary activity
13 December 2020
The DEC 2020 Issue of RBS Job One is now available on-line . It contains useful information for everyone involved in promoting Recreational Boating Safety . Articles in this issue include :
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Bass Anglers Sportsmen Agreement New National Boating Safety Leadership Radio Information for Boaters VHF Marine Radio Checks Daniel Maxim Award Announced
We encourage all members to read this outstanding issue for this excellent and timely information .
The DEC 2020 issue of RBS Job One is posted and available . Click here : RBS Is Job One
From : L2 Auxiliary Leadership Link
The digest of US Coast Guard Auxiliary activity
1 December 2020 In-Person N Train 2021 is Cancelled
There is nothing more important than the safety of our members and their families . It is , and always must be , paramount .
Taking a page from the risk management training we have all had , and weighing the risk of the grave consequences contracting COVID-19 could have for our members and their families against the benefits that an in-person N Train would provide , there is really no decision to be made other than to cancel the face-to-face portions of N Train 2021 . Accordingly , those in-person meetings and training events now scheduled for late January 2021 in Saint Louis will not be held . However , we will go forward with a virtual National Board Meeting that will be available for all members to observe if they wish . A virtual meeting of the Committee of the Whole will be held as required by the Standing Rules of the National Board , and a virtual meeting of the Operational Committee ( OPCOM ) will take place in late February or early March . The Auxiliary Senior Officer Course ( ASOC ) will meet virtually starting on January 4 , 2020 . In addition , the other scheduled training events will take place virtually on dates to be announced by their respective instructors .
We are all frustrated that once again we are left with no alternative but to cancel another important National event ; however , I am hopeful that by the time for NACON 2021 nears , this pandemic will be under control and we will be in a position where we can meet in person . I promise you that if I have anything to say about it , and I do , it will be a NACON to remember !
Please stay safe and stay well .
Semper Paratus
Very respectfully ,
Alex Malewski National Commodore