2021 Winter Edition | Page 69

topside Volume 79 , Issue 1
2 . In accordance to reference ( e ), your Active Duty ( AD ) Ordering Issue Authority ( OIA ) in conjunction with your Chain of Leadership and Management ( COLM ), must perform an Operational Risk Assessment in determining the risk vs gain of requested CG Auxiliary missions . The AD OIA will use the COVID- 19 PLANORD ( July 2020 v . 8 ) Pandemic and Emerging Infectious Disease Risk Assessment prior to mission execution to determine if the gain outweighs the risk .
3 . Auxiliarists shall meet the training requirements and use reference ( b ) to certify their status in respect to COVID- 19 high-risk criteria and submit to their AD OIA . The approving AD OIA must keep this form in their records and also submit a copy to the DIRAUX email for our records at D5NRDIRAUX @ uscg . mil . Members must work with the OIA and COLM ensuring they have proper Personal Protective Equipment ( PPE ), and the PPE must be used in accordance with policy . Auxiliarist must have a cloth face covering of neutral solid coloring with them during any activity . Before Auxiliarists have gatherings , such as a Flotilla Meeting , reference ( c ) must be used and sent to your COLM for approval . Many Flotillas are highly successful having their meetings virtually .
4 . If an Auxiliarist is about to perform a mission and does not report or do work for an AD CG member , then the Director of Auxiliary ( DIRAUX ) will serve as their OIA . The Auxiliarist must submit reference ( b ) to their COLM for first approval , and their COLM will submit the approved form to the DIRAUX email , D5NRDIRAUX @ uscg . mil , for final approval . The email subject line will have the member ’ s name and “ Approval Needed for Upcoming Mission .” Attached will be reference ( b ). In the body of the email , it will provide the type of mission that is to be performed , the dates the mission is to be performed , and the explanation of why this member and AUX leadership say that the gain to the CG outweighs the risk to the member .
5 . The COVID-19 virus still exists and is spreading . Additional information from the CDC regarding this disease and how to take precautions against it can be found at : https :// www . cdc . gov / coronavirus / 2019- ncov / specific-groups / high-riskcomplications . html
This notice contains important policy clarification regarding Auxiliarists ' use of social media and further guidance on proper behavior at all times by all members representing the U . S . Coast Guard . The following is official policy as endorsed by the U . S . Coast Guard Auxiliary National Board and by the Executive Board of District 5-Northern Region . Auxiliary-wide compliance is in effect immediately . Please read all referenced links in their entirety .
22 SEP 2020 FM : CHDIRAUX TO : ALAUX ALAUX 028 / 20
1 . Last week , the Vice Commandant of the Coast Guard , Admiral Charles Ray , sent the following email to leaders throughout the Coast Guard .
From : Ray , Charles W ADM < ADMCRay @ uscg . mil > Sent : Monday , September 14 , 2020 1:21 PM Subject : Communicating Unity and Respect : Representing the U . S . Coast Guard
To U . S . Coast Guard Leadership ,
I need every CO , OIC , Supervisor , and Leader to clearly hear this message and