2021 Winter Edition | Page 54

P a ge 54 t opside V olume 79 , I s s u e 1

Leadership Development , continued

The Program uses a series of tests on the NTC ( National Training Site ) for Flotilla Leadership and Administrative Procedures as well as the tests for the various Leadership Competencies . Added to that is a series of FEMA courses focused on leadership that enhance a member ’ s awareness . The traditional Leadership C Schools such as AUX- LAMS , AMLOC , AULOC and ASOC are part of the curriculum . There are 5 levels within the program . Each level is targeting a select group of our membership . Level 1 is for all members . Level 2 focuses on the Flotilla leadership team Level 3 is for the Division leadership , Level 4 is for the District and Directorate leadership Level 5 is for the National Leadership level .
Level 1 is within the grasp of every member today . While spending time at a computer at home the members can easily go through the required material and tests .
Why would a member think it is important for them to take this seriously for themselves ? There are 2 reasons . First the value-added basic grounding to aid in development toward the next step in the chain of leadership . Secondly it provides them personal insight into why leadership is important to the success of the Auxiliary and how they fit into that success story .
There is a direct link to the Leadership Development page off the Training Directorate Website . It has all available requirements and links needed for all five levels .