P a ge 47 t opside V olume 79 , I s s u e 1
5NR Members mark Auxiliary ’ s 81st anniversary with Special Radio Operation
Article by COMO Joseph Giannattasio , AUXPA1 Research by Michael Slepian , FSO-CM District 5NR
The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary began supporting the U S Coast Guard 81 years ago and to celebrate , an elite group of Auxiliary Telecommunication Operators who are also Amateur Radio Operators ( HAMS ), took to the airwaves November 6-8 to share their story with Amateur Radio operators around the country and the world . Using familiar voice and sophisticated digital signals , Auxiliarist Mike Slepian of Marlton , NJ spoke with HAMS in more than a dozen states and several overseas countries including Belgium , Finland and Northwest Canada , explaining what it ’ s like to patrol the waters of the Delaware River and the New Jersey shore , standing watch on Coast Guard ships , teaching boating safety and more .
“ Most people don ’ t realize that radio communications play an important role for the Coast Guard Auxiliary ” said Dave King of Pennsauken , PA , a Coast Guard Auxiliary radio communications officer . King , a member of the Auxiliary ’ s Marlton Flotilla , added , “ Specially trained and licensed Auxiliarists provide radio back up for Auxiliary on-water patrols , and even Auxiliary aircraft .”
The Event serves many purposes : 1 . Commemorate the anniversary of the USCG Auxiliary 2 . Inform the public of the good works of the Auxiliary 3 . Exercise HF communications within the Auxiliary 4 . Promote interest in the USCG AUX . Communications Program 5 . Recruit new members into the Auxiliary 6 . Enjoy a fun day of fellowship
During the Special Event , HF radio amateur stations operated by USCG Auxiliary members contacted over 2,000 other HF radio stations in all fifty states . Several event stations made over 100 on air contacts during the day . The event also served as an effective way to promote the Auxiliary to HAM operators around the world who learned how the Auxiliary supports the Coast Guard in Search and Rescue , public education , patrols and boating safety and much more .
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