P a ge 29 t opside V olume 79 , I s s u e 1
Stand-Down Devotion By Victoria A . Remo , FSO-PB , 053-21-04
For a long time to come , we Americans will be thinking in terms of Pre-Covid19 , Covid19 Pandemic , and Post- Covid19 . We Auxiliarists in U . S . Coast Guard District 5 , Northern Region , Division 21 , Flotilla 21-04 , routinely show our devotion to duty , even during adversity . During the final months of 2019 , we wrapped up Surface Operations .
Post-patrol at Blue Marsh Lake . Pictured from left : Lynda Haring , Pat Morroney ( 21-02 ), Walt Alsegg , and Barry Kyper
We also conducted our final Vessel Exams for the season , visited our clients who distribute Boating Safety literature , finished our Public Education for the summer months , and participated in Public Affairs which included parades like the Robesonia ’ s Jack Frost Parade ( Bonnie Duffin and Walt Alsegg - on each side of the Mustang )
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