2021 National Employee Survey Report | Page 47

Full trends
This table contains the trends over time for the City of Port St . Lucie . The combined " percent positive " responses for each survey year are presented ( e . g ., excellent / good or strongly / somewhat agree ). If an item was not included during an administration of the survey , no percentage will be shown in the table . Because the survey was intended to be taken by all employees , no traditional margin of error was calculated between survey iterations . However , because not all employees responded , NRC recommends using plus or minus seven percentage points as the “ range of uncertainty ” around any differences reported between the 2021 and 2022 surveys ( or between any two survey years ) to identify significant changes .
It is important to note that in 2020 , The NES was updated to include new and refreshed items . Consequently , some of the trends may be impacted due to wording modifications that could have potentially altered the meaning of the item for the respondent .
Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Port St . Lucie .
Port St . Lucie as a place to live
Port St . Lucie as a place to work
82 %
78 %
88 %
84 %
84 %
82 %
78 %
77 %
The overall quality of life in Port St . Lucie
84 %
86 %
84 %
79 %
How likely or unlikely are you to recommend LIVING in Port St . Lucie to someone who asks ?
83 %
89 %
88 %
82 %
Please rate the following categories of Port St . Lucie government performance .
The overall direction that Port St . Lucie is taking
Generally acting in the best interest of the community
69 %
66 %
79 %
75 %
78 %
78 %
70 %
72 %
Overall confidence in Port St . Lucie government
58 %
68 %
70 %
66 %
The overall quality of the services provided by the City of Port St . Lucie
86 %
87 %
82 %
75 %
Please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements about your job working for the City of Port St . Lucie .
Overall , I am satisfied with my job
I plan on working for this organization a year from now
87 %
94 %
90 %
95 %
88 %
92 %
86 %
95 %
I see a career path for me at City of Port St . Lucie
84 %
84 %
86 %
I gain satisfaction from my current job responsibilities
91 %
89 %
86 %
87 %
I feel positively challenged in my current job
88 %
88 %
83 %
87 %