2021 National Employee Survey Report | Page 22

Custom questions
Below are the results of each custom question on the survey . The percentage of positive responses ( Very / Somewhat Important or Excellent / Good ) is shown .
Please rate the QUALITY of each of the following support services in Port St . Lucie .
Procurement services
Communication services
78 %
82 %
Budget services overall 76 %
The city is working to build a strong innovation program and offers innovation training open to all city employees . Please advise what is important to you as we continue to design this program to serve you .
Allowance for dedicated work time to work on innovative solutions Additional Training on innovation process improvement
Additional coaching and support
Awards and recognition for innovation
Opportunities to collaborate with other team members on innovation Support for testing new ideas , even if they may not immediately produce results
Offering virtual on demand training
94 %
91 %
90 %
86 %
95 %
96 %
90 %
Offering in person training 90 %