2021 National Employee Survey Report | Page 19

** Comparison to the national benchmark is shown . If no comparison is available , this is left blank .
Please rate how welcoming the City of Port St Lucie is for : (% excellent or good )
People with disabilities 84 %
People who identify as lesbian , gay , bisexual , or other non-straight sexual identities 82 %
People who identify as transgender 78 %
Men 92 %
Women 91 %
People who are Arabic or Middle Eastern 89 %
People who are Asian , Asian Indian or Pacific Islander 91 %
People who are Black or African American 91 %
People who are Hispanic 92 %
People who are American Indian or Alaskan Native 92 %
People who are White 92 %
People whose first language is not English 83 %
People who are not U . S . citizens 81 %
People of Christian faith 91 %
People of Islamic faith 86 %
People of Jewish faith 91 %
People of other faiths 90 %
People who are agnostic or atheist 88 %
People who are liberal 79 %
People who are conservative 89 %
People who are veterans or military personnel 93 %
People who are older 89 %
People who are younger
86 %
People who are of lower income 77 %
* The percentage of positive responses is shown . Positive responses may differ by question ( e . g . " excellent " or " good ", " very likely " or " somewhat likely "). ** Comparison to the national benchmark is shown . If no comparison is available , this is left blank .