2021-22 SotA Anthology 2021-22 | Page 64

renewables . Furthermore , by selecting an existing UK wind farm , it demonstrates the turbines ' adoptability , as they are currently utilised , thus aiding in selling their extended application to the UK government . Greenpeace are famously strong advocates for wind power , so this positive frame is not surprising ( Eden , 2006 ; Densham , 2020 ) used to enhance rather than diminish our experience of nature . The image notably spans two pages , presumably indicating nature ' s perseverance and how it should not be constricted , but rather allowed to grow / bloom . The visual framing provided by this image is therefore used to convince governments to safeguard the natural environment for future generations , due to its aesthetic / functional potential ; as item-9 in the publication concerns restoring nature to boost carbon storage ( Greenpeace , 2019 ).
Figure 3
Fig . 3 contrasts with the above by using gaudy concept art of renewable technologies , rather than photographs , to illustrate their application , and convey the pro-wind / solar energy message . The artificiality of the image makes it more prominent in the publication by juxtaposing the other more realistic images , and demonstrates that this extended use is aspirational , since the medium embodies the potential of the technology through an indexical link to progress / innovation .
Figure 2
This aestheticisation continues in Greenpeace ’ s images of the natural world . Fig . 2 shows a child on a daytime walk through a lush forest . The image is vibrant , busy , and overwhelmingly green , incorporating natural lighting and a realistic style to display nature ' s natural beauty . Also visible is a bridge , appearing to merge into its environment , symbolising how man-made structures should be
The digitally created photos utilise unnaturally vivid colours , high-key lighting , and fake-looking grass / sky . However , these effects symbolise the optimism of this imagined future – since the grass is literally greener . There is also significant movement in the image , as the turbines ’ blades are blurred with motion . This could signify that the technology is actively working to generate energy and provide for consumers . The image also includes two important green energy icons