2021-22 SotA Anthology 2021-22 | Page 133

of these examples , the music asks the player to feel these things too , punishing , saving and disorienting them , confronting them with the real-life issues these characters face . It is this kind of auditory empathy that the archetypical straight , cisgender gamer can feel and be immersed in , that could , hopefully , lead to real life prejudices against these marginalised groups being changed .
Bagnall , G . L . ( 2017 ) ‘ Queer ( ing ) Gaming Technologies : Thinking on Constructions of Normativity Inscribed in Digital Gaming Hardware ’, in B . Ruberg & A . Shaw ( eds .) Queer Game Studies . Minnesota : University of Minnesota Press , pp . 15-23 .
Chang , E . J . ( 2017 ) ‘ Queergaming ’, in B . Ruberg & A . Shaw ( eds .) Queer Game Studies . Minnesota : University of Minnesota Press , pp . 135-143 .
Clover , C . J . ( 1992 ) Men , Women and Chainsaws . London : British Film Institute
Cross , K ( 2014 ) ‘ The Nightmare is Over : They ’ re Not Coming For Your Games ’, Polygon . Available at : https :// www . polygon . com / 2014 / 7 / 29 / 5947661 / th e-nightmare-is-over-theyre- not-coming-for-yourgames ( Accessed 12 May 2022 )
Koster , R . ( 2012 ) ‘ Two Cultures and Games ,’ Raph ’ s Website . Available at : https :// www . raphkoster . com / 2012 / 07 / 06 / two-culturesand-games / ( Accessed 12 May 2022 ).
McGee , L . ( 2020 ) ‘ Llaura McGee : Leaving Space for Messiness , Complexity and Chance ’. Interviewed by B . Ruberg for The Queer Games Avant-Garde , pp . 63-72 .
Nelson , E . ( 2020 ) ‘“ Monstrous Transgressions ”: Victimhood and Villainy in Trans Horror Narratives ’, Broad Recognition . Available at : http :// www . broadsatyale . com / monstroustransgressions / ( Accessed 12 May 2022 ).
Quinn , R . ( 2015 ) ‘ Congratulations , it ’ s a …? - The Role of GenderAmbiguity in Undertale ’, www . robbiequinn . com . au . Available at : http :// www . robbiequinn . com . au / files / gender . pdf ( Accessed 12 May 2022 )
Reynolds , D . ( 2014 ) ‘ Letters and the Unseen Woman : Epistolary Architecture in Three Recent Video Games ’, Film Quarterly , 68 ( 1 ), pp . 48-51 .
Ruberg , B . ( 2020 ) The Queer Games Avant- Garde . North Carolina : Duke University Press .
Ford , J ., Dead Meat ( 2019 ) 54 : Transgender Representation in Horror [ Podcast ]. 23 April . Available at : https :// open . spotify . com / episode / 0bpNQ4zfvzPX xptLBw1S2Y ? si = 6d4bb20a2c624c00 ( Accessed 12 May 2022 ).
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SCHOOL OF THE ARTS 2021 / 2022