2021-22 SotA Anthology 2021-22 | Page 111

Literature , ed by Robert S . Levine ( New York ; London : W . W . Norton & Company , 2017 ), pp . 970-1144 .
Thoreau , Henry David , ‘ Resistance to Civil Government ’ in The Norton Anthology of American Literature , ed by Robert S . Levine ( New York ; London : W . W . Norton & Company , 2017 ), pp . 953-970
Utzinger , Jeffrey , ‘ A Season of Purity : The Moral Naturalism of Henry David Thoreau ’ in The Concord Saunterer vol . 24 ( The Thoreau Society , Inc ., 2016 ) pp . 30-48 in https :// www . jstor . org / stable / 44481773 [ Accessed : 5 December 2021 ]
SCHOOL OF THE ARTS 2021 / 2022