2021-22 SotA Anthology 2021-22 | Page 110

the bottom can easily be discerned ” ( p . 1063 ), suggesting that his experience of nature and shift towards an authentic inner life has allowed him to judge or measure reality more clearly . Nature offers him a sense of divinity , almost like the waters have cleansed him through the religious sacrament of baptism . Although insightful , this does not transcend the injustices and issues in society , elevating Arendt ’ s view that Thoreau is single-minded and focuses on personal purity rather than reform . His literature does reflect a need for direction and a concern over the future , but on a more introspective level . It is also important to recognise that his version of purity and happiness is not identical for everyone .
Overall , Henry David Thoreau ’ s ‘ Resistance to Civil Government ’ and Walden both reflect a need for direction and a concern over the future to a large extent . However , there are several limitations to the ways in which he presents his principles . Thoreau ’ s ardent militancy and later advocation for violence makes his views on reform seem elusive , whilst the imposition of his ‘ genius ’ toes the line of being a megalomaniac whose vision is clouded by privilege . The radical individualism he seeks to demonstrate is debased because of this , as it is questionable whether he is speaking in the interest of a social conscience , or rather prioritising his own introspective , romantic ideals of purity over genuine reform . Of course , Walden is an experiment , offering just one way of interacting and living in the world . Perhaps the nature of the experiment is what Thoreau wants to resonate with his reader : they must dictate their own direction and future of the state and of the self .
BIBLIOGRAPHY : Arendt , Hannah , ‘ Civil Disobedience ’ in Crises of the Republic ( New York : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich , 1969 ), pp . 51-102
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Thoreau , Henry David , ‘ Walden , or Life in the Woods ’ in The Norton Anthology of American