2021-22 SotA Anthology 2021-22 | Page 105

why only ' I ' was left on the bench at the end , because the narrator is the only woman in her family who realises that she lives in a difficult world , the only one who wants to break this cycle , even in a pessimistic way .
CONCLUSION : In conclusion , this adaptation is intended to express the oppression of women by East Asian culture . The photos daughter found at the beginning was also my own experience ; for as long as I can remember , I have rarely seen my mother as happy as she is in the photo , and that kind of passion is hard to find in later photos . As I grew up , I saw my mother having to take on a lot of responsibility in a negative way , and I heard her complain about the gender imbalances in the family all the time . What saddens me most is that even so , my mother was still obsessed with educating me the importance of being a culturally recognised ' good wife ', ' good mother ' and ' good woman '. Words like ' what women should do ' and ' the responsibilities women take on ' are something I hear a lot around me , but the greatest oppression comes from the previous generation . So when I knew that my friend ' s mother was one of the rare women who wanted the next generation to have the possibility of being free from such responsibilities , I conceived this story . Although the work is narrated from a imaginative mother ' s point of view , it is still described from my position , my thoughts ; " I don ' t want you to be me " is also an expression of my unwillingness to repeat the life of the previous generation .
The end of the story is undoubtedly very negative , not addressing the fact that cultural expectations of gender don ' t only apply to women , but standing in the story from the narrator ' s perspective , as if breaking out of this endless cycle can only be done by hoping for a different gender . It ' s a very pessimistic thought , but it ' s also true that the women around me would say things like " I wish I was a boy " or " I wish you were a boy ". Lastly , this adaptation still has many drawbacks , and flaws in the narrative due to the drawing level , but I still hope it is a meaningful piece .
BIBLIOGRAPHY : Bechdel , Alison , Fun Home : A Family Tragicomic ( Jonathan Cape , 2006 )
Spiegelman , Art , Maus : A Survivor ' s Tale ( Penguin , 2003 )
SCHOOL OF THE ARTS 2021 / 2022