2020 | Page 87

Nature and Social Concern Society 87
Nature reflects our nature

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• Make sure the plant pot has drainage holes in the bottom of the pot
• Determine what species of plant you have so you can care for it more accurately
You can either spray your plants with fine droplets of water regularly or create a microclimate around their leaves by grouping or by packing moss between the pot and its decorative container . You will be able to see the warning signs when your leaves are bone dry or discolored and the soil looks as if it needs watering .
However , very few house plant admirers know that overwatering in a plant also comes with visible symptoms , for instance :
• If the leaves turn brown and wilt
• If your plant is green , well-watered and still struggling
• If the leaves turn brown
• If plant roots show rotting sign
• If your plant happens to have both yellowing leaves and new growth falling from your plant .
There is a good chance you are overwatering . Studies have shown that indoor plants boost mood , productivity , concentration , creativity , and clean indoor air by absorbing toxins . They are proven to be therapeutic and cheaper than a therapist . Isn ’ t it amazing how a small potted plant can contribute to your life ?
To all my readers who have by now made up their mind on getting their house plant . Here is a list of common indoor plants with their market price in Nepal as mentioned in okdam . com :
1 . Aloe vera – Rs . 250 2 . Jade plant – Rs . 400 3 . Syngonium – Rs . 475 4 . Snake plant – Rs . 1000 5 . Dracena Malaika - Rs . 1050 6 . Golden Pothos- Rs . 1200 7 . Christmas cactus- Rs . 1250 8 . Rubber plant – Rs . 3400 Shreya Dahal
Environment Science ( Batch - 2018 )

Nature and Social Concern Society 87