2020 | Page 82

82 Year Book of Environmental Science

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Nature reflects our nature

We all know 2020 didn t turn out as expected

2020 an unexpected year . While people were making resolutions for the year , who would have known it would take such a turn . And with a constant rise in coronavirus cases , there isn ’ t any idea how long will the lockdown extend . Social media influencers are doing a good job keeping people entertained in a time of crisis like that . But how can one stay actually positive when you may lose your life even if you go out . Given the circumstances , it ’ s okay if we say that we are afraid , maybe only a little bit or maybe a lot but yes , we are . It is devastating to see how the disease is spreading worldwide exponentially .
Amidst all these , people are losing their jobs and having a hard time paying rents . Everything is happening all at once and we do not have any idea how to cope . Being forced to stay at home is not easy . Even though we might have wished once to get a vacation or rest from our hectic routine , we are not able to handle this lifestyle .
Why is that ? Because people are never able to accept the change or are scared of change ? And this is a drastic change . I think that it ’ s okay to say that we are adjusting , accepting , maybe little at a time but yes , we are . Stuck inside , surrounded by four walls , it is mentally challenging and difficult . Our brain literally stops developing or can ’ t even function properly , and that means you might short circuit yourself if you are not active . So , basically , the situation isn ’ t in our favor anyhow .
What are we supposed to do ? We can think that we are saving lives by not going out , that we are superheroes , so we can at least ease our minds . It can be a good start . And then we can do that one thing that we ’ ve always wanted to do , fulfill that one wish , read that one book , watch the favorite show or movie . Do what make us happy and inspires somehow . Maybe we see our staying at home as a second chance in life . Imagine what your life would be if you had chased your dream or done what wanted to do when you were a kid if you wanted to change something what it would be . There would be several possibilities for so many different scenarios . We have time right now , why don ’ t give it a thought . This would not fulfill our dreams overnight but might give a good laugh remembering old times . Because ‘ mental health matters ’, right ?
Apart from all these troubles , there ’ s also something that has been going around in social media that caught my eye . People are posting that they can listen to birds chirping after a long time , pictures of clean rivers and some funny memes and videos where people are portraying that pollution have reduced so much that they can see far away from buildings ( like Taj Mahal ) from their home . That is quite funny when you think about it . But leaving the funny thing aside , I believe that environment has changed a bit and for good . If so , then do you think that it will improve , stay the same or go back to as it were , after people are released from lockdown . Will this pandemic teach a lesson and are we going to learn it ? How will we be contributing to the future ? These are the questions I ’ m continuously having in my head . This virus was a mistake on the human part and nature is reacting to it in its own ways . It is also our responsibility to watch and learn a little . Though it isn ’ t a matter of pointing fingers ‘ Snowwhite didn ’ t know the apple was poisoned ’ or comparing how much someone else is doing , it ’ s all about how much we as a person can do . And help nature , help the future .
Nidhi Maheshwari Writer at TheCaffables blogger671998 @ gmail . com

82 Year Book of Environmental Science