2020 | Page 79

Nature and Social Concern Society 79

Nature reflects our nature k | ltlaDa

store , solar energy efficiently about 247-terawatt hour photovoltaic electricity has been produced worldwide by 2015 [ 4 ]. According to the Renewable Energy Subsidy policy of Nepal 2073 BS , there have been almost 37 % subsidies on solar energy appliances [ 5 ]. Yet , we fail to contribute to a significant number to the total final solar energy consumption as of a report published by Trading Economics in 2012 [ 6 ]. According to Energy Demand Forecast Report produced by the Water and Energy Commission Secretariat of Nepal , at 4.5 % GDP growth as of past trend , there will be a need of 3,384 MW of installed capacity by 2020 , wherein the case of policy intervention scenario the requirement will nearly double to 6,621 MW . By 2030 , the requirement will be 15,000 MW and by 2040 , it will have been 82,000 GWh [ 7 ]. On the contrary according to Nepal ’ s Energy Sector Vision 2050 AD , the installed capacity will be 1,900 MW , 3900 MW , and 11,000 Mw in 2020 , 2030 and 2050 respectively . We can see that we will be in load shedding again if we fail to do something in these crucial years [ 8 ]. If we are able to produce almost 45 % of the energy we need from solar power , we can avoid importing electricity from India and be aloof from power cut-offs .
Now the big question is , how can we produce 45 % ( almost , 1485MW ) of electricity by 2020 when we fail to consume even a significant number of solar energy in total final energy consumption ? Here comes the Feed-in Tariff ( FIT ) or advanced renewable tariff or renewable energy payments . FIT is basically a system in which incentives are provided to households or businesses generating electricity through renewable sources , the incentives are directly proportional to the amount of power generated . The FIT was first prescribed in between 1991-1999 via Electricity Feed-in Law at relatively moderate rates . [ 9 ] The households under FIT can benefit through three ways , the generation tariff , the export tariff , and savings on conventional bills . Further simplying FIT , I would like to cite an example . Let us consider a household with a south-facing roof . A 10 KW solar system on its roof can generate a power of 8760 KWh / year .
Suppose NEA pays you Rs . 2 for each KW generated then you are paid , 8760 x 2 = Rs . 17520 by NEA . NEA assumes you will use 50 % of the energy you generate . So , 50 % is sent back to the grid . You are paid Re . 1 for the units sent back to the grid so you are paid Rs . 4380 for selling the electricity you produce on your roof to NEA . Thus , your typical savings on theconventional bill is Rs . 8760 but in fact , you save total , Rs ( 17520 + 8760 + 4380 ) i . e . the money you get by producing electricity on your roof in addition to the 50 % savings on conventional bills plus the money you get for sending the electricity you produce to the grid . According to the census of Nepal-2011 , the number of individual households in Nepal is 54,27,302 and the power generated by each household if they have a 10 KW solar power system on their roof will approximately be 5428 MW / year which is 3.5 times more than the demand of 1485 MW by 2020 [ 10 ]. Before bringing FIT into the application , we need to make sure that we have the required logistics and technology to support the transmission from the household to the grid .
Another way of harnessing solar power is by using the principle of Net Metering . It is a billing mechanism that provides incentives pretty much like a FIT for the electricity the households add to the grid . But unlike FIT that requires two meters for measuring the outflow of electricity from household to the grid , Net metering uses one bi-directional meter and also provides incentives that have full retail value . [ 11 ] Consider a household having a solar photovoltaic ( PV ), which produces electricity when the sunlight strikes its modules . The DC power the installation produces is wired into an inverter , which converts DC into AC power . The AC is then flown from inverter to the electrical service panel , which feeds electricity into the household . An optional meter , which is computerized , can track household electricity production and consumption in real-time . During the day if the Solar PV system ’ s production exceeds the demand in the house , the electricity is fed back into the grid that occurs by the clockwise rotation of the meter . The government and other renewable energy-producing companies reuse the power in the grid , which brings you revenue of full retail value for the excess current you produce with a decrease in your conventional bills .
REFERENCES : [ 1 ] International Energy Agency , Key World Energy Statistics , 2017 .

Nature and Social Concern Society 79