2020 | Page 78

78 Year Book of Environmental Science

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Nature reflects our nature
Another example of sibling species is illustrated by genus Drosophila . Drosophila pseudoobscura and Drosophila persimilis are structurally similar except minor differences in wing size , genitalia , and sex comb , gene arrangement .
References : Hybrid Retrieved on June 17 , 2020 from https :// www . britannica . com / science / hybrid Types of Hybrid organism Retrieved on June 17 , 2020 from https :// www . sciencedaily . com / terms / hybrid . htm Sibling species Retrieved on June 18 , 2020 from https :// everyething . com / SIBLING-SPECIES https :// link . springer . com / referenceworkentry / 10.1007 % 2F978-1-4020-6359-6 _ 4183
Namuna Shrestha Environmental Science
Batch 2018

Renewable Energy in Nepal : Prospects and Challenges

How much are you worried about global warming and climate change ? As of 2017 , there was about 59.8 % ( 8161 megatons equivalent ) use of primitive non-renewable oil and coal , which certainly adds to our worries [ 1 ]. The consumption of renewable energy worldwide including nuclear energy is 17.1 % ( 2334 megaton equivalent ) as of 2017 , which is 3.9 % greater than the 13.2 % ( 806 megatons equivalent ) consumption of renewable energy in 1973 . Keeping in mind that the world population in 1973 was 3.915 billion as compared to 7.550 billion in 2017 , nearly a 4 % increase in the world ’ s Total Primary Energy Supply ( TPES ) is in itself a big deal that clearly states that world is in favor adopting the renewable energy . With more than 20,000 deaths worldwide due to carbon emissions , clean energy has been undoubtedly the necessity of today ’ s world [ 2 ].
As for Nepal , there was about 12 % ( 1.176 megaton equivalent ) use of primitive non-renewable oil and coal by the year 2011 . The consumption of renewable energy was 7 % ( 0.686 megaton equivalent ) in Nepal as of 2011 which is 4 % greater than the 3 %, ( 0.27 megaton equivalent ) consumption of renewable energy as of 2003 [ 3 ] [ 4 ]. The hydropower development ratio of Nepal as of 2014 is only 2 %, so now may be the time to focus a little on other renewable sources of energy as well [ 3 ]. With more and more advancement of lithium-ion batteries to

78 Year Book of Environmental Science