2020 September Edition 48 | Page 76

( Take a look behind-the-scenes to see how the Port of San Diego Harbor Police has responded to the global pandemic as officers remain " At the Ready " serving and protecting the community 24 / 7 . Courtesy of the San Diego Harbor Police Founda- tion and YouTube .)

American workers to the safety of their homes last year , first re- sponders stayed on the front lines .

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com September 2021 - Edition 58

The Foundation provided over 5,000 meals to Harbor Police officers and staff throughout 2020 , showing gratitude to those who continued to serve during one of the worst public health crises in history . The

Foundation s contribu- tions to officer wellness are also evident at Harbor Police head- quarters , where it has funded numerous enhancements to improve comfort and morale .

Highlights include a beautiful employee lounge known as

https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = DtekVZ82xmU

( Take a look behind-the-scenes to see how the Port of San Diego Harbor Police has responded to the global pandemic as officers remain " At the Ready " serving and protecting the community 24 / 7 . Courtesy of the San Diego Harbor Police Founda- tion and YouTube .)