Mark Stainbrook , Chief of the Port of San Diego Harbor Po- lice , witnessed different community and public safety chal- lenges in his jurisdiction , which comprises 34 miles of water- front along San Diego Bay and includes five member cities : Coronado , Chula Vista , Impe- rial Beach , National City , and San Diego .
www . AmericanSecurityToday . com September 2021 - Edition 58
He envisioned a charitable foundation that would provide for the greater good in three key areas : officer wellness , education for disadvantaged youth , and human traffick- ing awareness and preven- tion .
Foundation was established in 2018 .
Since its inception , the San Di- ego Harbor Police Foundation has made numerous contribu- tions toward creating safer communities and improving quality of life for key popula- tions .
Officer wellness has always been a top priority . While the pandemic sent a majority of
With the help and partnership of experienced nonprofit ex- ecutive Jeff Wohler , who took the reins as president and CEO , the San Diego Harbor Police
Mark Stainbrook , Chief of the Port of San Diego Harbor Police