www . AmericanSecurityToday . com September 2021 - Edition 58
https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = uBqelOrlQ _ E
( Learn More , from Dr . Renee Wegrzyn who oversees DIGET , for potential in tracking COVID-19 and other pathogenic threats . Wegrzyn explains the background be- hind the program , how it can aid in the national response to COVID-19 and other future threats , as well as how programs like this can succeed while safeguarding people ’ s privacy and information . Courtesy of GovernmentCIO Media & Research and YouTube . Posted on Jun 30 , 2020 .)
neered pathogenic threats .
The foundation for the MMD is DETECTR™ , a CRISPR-based detection platform developed by Mammoth Biosciences , a member of the MRIGlobal team .
The platform has been proven as a rapid detection diagno- sis technology that uses a gene editing molecular tool to find a specific genetic sequence within a sample .
The MMD will incorporate sev- eral innovative technologies developed by Draper .
Fluid routing throughout the