2020 September Edition 48 | Page 70

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com September 2021 - Edition 58

Fezzie and her Draper col- leagues are developing just such a technology as part of a team recently selected by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ( DARPA ).

Led by MRIGlobal , a world leader in technological and scientific research , the team is developing a massively multi-

plexed device ( MMD ) for DAR- PA s Detect It with Gene Ed- iting Technologies ( DIGET ) program .

The aim , says DARPA , is to in- corporate gene editors into detectors for distributed health biosurveillance and rapid , point-of-need diagnostics for endemic , emerging and engi-

Rachel Fezzie and Charlie Lissandrello of Draper are developing a portable device for screening thousands of pathogens in minutes under DARPA s Detect It with Gene Editing Technologies ( DIGET ) program . ( Courtesy of Draper )