2020 Georgian Bay Wedding Guide 10th Anniversary Issue | Page 114

D ave and I met online; we are a classic Match.com success story! Our first date in June 2016 and I remember feeling super nervous to meet him. He seemed too good to be true, and he is! After the initial date, our dating relationship took a natural course. At the time we lived 2 hours from one another. I was a single mom with two kids working two jobs and Dave was working full time himself. Long distance is tough! In November of 2016 I moved myself, my kids and my boxes in. Some would say it was too soon, but it was the best decision we ever made. Deciding on a venue is tricky. Many places we toured could not be decorated the way we wanted and had various rules that we were not expecting. We were getting a little disheartened trying to find a place that was a good fit but then we found The Falls Inn. It was exactly what we were envisioning! We met with Meg Hallman, the Inn Keeper and planner. She was amazing! The trails, the woods and the falls themselves were kismet to our dark sides. It’s moody and beautiful, exactly what we were look- ing for! Over the 2 years we planned our wedding we regularly frequented The Falls Inn. It’s become a home away from home. I knew the proposal was going to happen, I didn’t know when, but I knew. We had talked about marriage early on and about what we were hoping to accomplish in our relationship together. We went to Toronto with the kids for the weekend in January of 2017. I had a feeling this week- end would be one to remember and was I right! I stepped out of our hotel room to get coffee and when I returned, the air in the room had changed. I knew instantly! As I walked in, my daughters were standing on the beds in the room. Both holding signs that read, “Will you Marry Dave?” Next thing I knew, Dave was in front of me, he took my hand, kneeled and simply said “ Will you Marry me?” I of course said yes! For us, the most important thing while planning the wedding was staying true to ourselves. Since Dave and I are both non- traditional I knew the first shock and awe factor had to come from our attire. I wore a black wedding gown,w he a white suit. Our goal was to showcase gothic elegance. We kept it classy and elegant, amongst the dark and macabre and it turned out better than I had imagined! 114 Georgian Bay Wedding Guide – 2020 I admit, Dave planned about 85% of our wedding. He did a lot of the big picture things. I focused more on the décor and the invites, small picture things. Organization is not my strength and Dave’s a planner naturally. We consulted together and he executed.