www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2020 FINALISTS Edition -
Nice Public Safety Named a 2020 ' ASTORS ' Finalist
NICE Inform , the industry-lead- ing digital evidence
manage- ment ( DEM ) solution ,
gives emergency control rooms bet- ter insight into how to
continu- ously improve their operations
NICE Public Safety
solutions integrate and put into
context information from many sourc- es to help emergency com- munications centers
and investigation
departments reconstruct and understand the who , what , when , where and why of an incident .
NICE Investigate is the leading open , digital policing solution that automates and
expedites the entire digital investigation process , helping to increase case clearance rates
Over 3,000 organizations worldwide rely on NICE
Safety solutions
https :// www . nice . com / protecting / what-we-do /