www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2020 CHAMPIONS - Edition 51
fused , and impactful communi- ty policing efforts have a role in undermining and uncovering extremism , especially in
other- wise alienated and marginalized populations . Fostering engagements ements with well- known
, credible community leaders can contribute to increas- ing public vigilanceilance and resil-
ience to infiltration by radicals
. Neighborhood ood policing can help develop sources , gain
insights on suspicious persons and activi- ties , and pinpoint where to use in- formants and undercover agents in future sting operations
High profile involvement in com- munities can deter hate crimes https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = 2KnuFCSnRuQ & feature = emb _ logo
( Homeland security begins with hometown security - empowering everyday citizens
to protect their neighbors and the communities by recognizing and reporting
suspicious activity . We all play a role in keeping each other safe . Courtesy of DHS and YouTube