www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2020 CHAMPIONS - Edition 51
Likewise , sustained , trust-inhttps :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = UFBY-XGPkko & feature = emb _ logo
( See unprecedented access to the NYPD Critical Response Command to see how
the elite unit trains to deal with evolving terror threats . Courtesy of NBC News and
Tube . Posted on Jul 19 , 2017 .)
ple attacks at disparate locations . New York Police Department ’ s Critical Response Command have heeded this concern by training its members to detect and impede attacks such as BCRNE ( Biological , Chemical , Nuclear , explosive ) and the like .
The police department should encourage the public ’ s involvement in combating terrorism .
The public can recognize the signs of terrorism , inform police of their concern , and aid them in preventing attacks .
In particular , industry can facilitate identifying suspicious behaviors , transactions , and persons ( employees and customers ) that have a nexus with terrorism .