east valley living / 202 HOMES /
frightened too , it ’ s best to keep animals confined to one room until the storm passes and the electricity is restored .”
SRP also recommends making sure to turn off all lights except for one to indicate when the power has been restored . Once power has been restored , wait a few minutes before turning on the lights and appliances to avoid blowing the circuit breaker .
“ As we enter into another storm season , we want people to be safe and with a little preparation it ’ s much easier to handle this unpredictable season ” Mascareñas says .
Lightning and thunder can be a huge indication that a storm in on its way . Before the dust , rain and the wind roll in — SRP recommends knowing these additional monsoon safety tips . and at least one gallon of water per person available in case of an emergency .”
In addition , experts suggest keeping candles , several flashlights and battery operated radios handy .
But what about during the storm ?
According to the American Meteorological Society and the National Lighting Safety Institution , if you are caught outside during a monsoon storm , you should seek shelter in a nearby sturdy building and avoid any windows , metal or conducting surfaces .
“ If you spot a nearby power line down , stay at least 100 feet away as the wires are still live and can still pass electricity ,” Mascareñas says .
Inside your house , turn off all major appliances including your computer , air conditioner , television and other media equipment . Unplug any other equipment that doesn ’ t need to be on like computers and telephones .
“ If your power does go out — don ’ t panic ,” Mascareñas says . “ Try to keep everyone calm and since pets tend to become
G Suspend any outdoor activities whenever you see lightning or hear thunder .
G Louder and more frequent thunder indicates that lightning is approaching .
G Pay attention to the time delay between seeing lightning and hearing thunder . If it ’ s less than 30 seconds , seek shelter immediately .
G During a storm , do not take any showers or use any water as lightning can pass through metal pipes .
G Wait at least 30 minutes after a lightning storm has passed to resume outdoor activities .
And of course , weather experts recommend that individuals stay updated on current weather warnings by following their local news station ’ s weather reports via television , internet , radio or social media .
For more helpful monsoon safety tips , visit srpnet . com / safety / storm .
202magazine . com / JULY 2013 / 202 MAGAZINE