202 Magazine August 2013 August 2013 | Page 58

/ 202 MANIC MANAGED MOM / rachel recommends By Rachel Harris, managedmoms.com Helpful Tips for First-Time Kindergartners, Middle Schoolers & High Schoolers This month, our daughter starts middle school. Last year was our son’s first day of high school, so we have now experienced all three big firsts. Here are some tips from myself and from several teachers when it comes to helping your child transition into a new school me. Take advantage of the invitations that they extend to you early in their middle school years because chances are you won’t be invited again! Also, be sure to not miss Curriculum Night, that is a crucial evening for parents. You attend, without your child, going from class to class to meet teachers and hear the curriculum. Kindergarten We loved our Kindergarten teacher who taught both of my children and really made a difference in their academic and personal growth so I asked her for a couple of tips that I could share with those of you who have kids in Kindergarten. After 13 years teaching Kindergarten in the Kyrene School District, Michelle Willis now owns the Magical Journey Learning Center in Ahwatukee. She suggests reading The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn with your child, a great book about starting school. After reading the book together, Willis says to make a kissing hand by tracing around one of their hands on construction paper. Draw a small heart in the middle and have all family members sign their names or glue a family picture on the palm. The child could put the “kissing hand” in their backpack and take it out when they need comfort during those first few weeks. High School My son’s freshman year went well; I consulted with Kevin Willis, Desert Vista High School teacher and Math Chair, and for some good tips to help your child adjust to high school. Mr. Willis says to read the syllabus for each class with your teenager. Write down expectations and how to find the assignments. Get a day planner and outline general due dates of major projects and send an email to each teacher with your child that introduces yourself and your teen. Finally, have your child come home with a list of clubs the first day so that you can explore options to get them involved. Happy new school year! Freelance writer, Rachel Harris, is also known as the Manic Managed Mom on KTVK’s “Your Life A to Z” morning show. Rachel is also the proud mother of a teenage son and tween daughter plus three cats that were all rescued from local animal shelters. Check out Rachel’s website at managedmoms.com for parenting talk, recipes, beauty news, pet pics and more. And see her lifestyle segment every Wednesday at 10am on 3TV. Middle School This is a time of letting go and working with the school to encourage the kids to establish good study habits and independence. After attending so many events during their grade school years, it surprised me just how little I visited the middle school. I was able to chaperone my son on a field trip, but by 7th grade, he no longer invited 58 202 MAGAZINE / AUGUST 2013 / 202magazine.com