Editor MARGARET RAND Committee Lois P r ic k e t t Form VI . K a t h l e e n F a r r e l l .. Form IV .
A l ix W il s o n . . Form A ’. P atricia Cow ax Form III . Sports Editors — D orothy Ce l l . M oracii M cGilliyray
It is with modesty , and not a little trepidation , that we present this , our first number of the Croftonian .
We arc not so vain as to consider this the most talented period of the School ' s history . On the contrary , we feel sure that many of our predecessors would have been more competent for our task . But they have left it to us and we feel that the School must have its magazine without more delay . So we offer this as a compliment
to Crofton House on its fifteenth anniversary .
We arc sorry that the old girls were not notified of our publication in time to send more contributions . One of our chief aims is to keep in touch with former Croftonians and we hope for a
bulky old girls ' column next time .
We arc grateful for the contributions we have received . Good stories were also sent in by Jocelyn Baker and Lucy Edwards , but
space has not allowed us to include them all . This is a preliminary flight . May the Croftonian soar to ever greater heights as the years roll on I