F ro n tisp iece ......................................................................... T he M isses G ordon |
5 |
E d ito ria l ........................................................................................................................... |
5 |
Shot H om e ! 1013 ............................................................ M orach M acG illivray |
fi |
P ussy W illo w ........................................................................... V irginia S pencer |
7 |
T h e S tre a m ........................................................................................ Jocely n B ahr | |||
S tud y of D o ro th y S m ith ...................................................... M ay M acK enzie |
s |
T w o U m b re lla s ............................................... Elsie R ogers and Elsie Stone |
9 |
T he Recent Craze for Clim bing Grouse M ountain . . . . M argaret Rand |
11 |
T he O u tla w ................................................................................... Z ulette L ondon |
It |
W o rk or P la y ? ............................................................................................................. |
14 |
P ro v erb s by F orm |
IV ............................................................................................. |
15 |
T he Spook w ith the S hattered S k u ll ................................ P atricia Cowan |
16 |
B efore and A fte r ................................................................... M arjorie K ohlm an |
IS |
T he N o rth W in d .............................................................................. Jocelyn B ahr |
IS |
Old G irls ’ N e w s .......................................................................................................... |
19 |
Of C a re e rs .......................................................................................... Irene C ow an |
21 |
H ouse G irls ’ N e w s ..................................................................................................... |
23 |
A Sad S to ry in F o u r P ic tu re s ............................................. M argaret R and |
25 |
S p o rts — B adm inton ..................................................................................................... 26 | |||
B asket B a ll ........................................................................... |
26 |
R id in g .............................................................................................................. |
20 |
O de to B la k e ...................................................................................... D o ro th y Bell |
32 |
School R a lly ................................................................................................................... |
33 |
C over D esign b y .......................................................................... M aidie M urray |