2019 Yukon Riverside Arts Festival YRAF_program2019web | Page 28
Culture Quest supports the artistic and cultural expression of Yukon performing, visual, and
literary artists, supports the preparation and development of work to be showcased nationally or
internationally, and supports First Nations cultural gatherings and festivals around the Yukon.
A) First Nations expression of art in relation to cultural practices, enriching the lives of all Yukon
residents. Such as: projects within cultural festivals and gatherings, song revival projects, story-
telling, traditional dancing and other activities which involve public appreciation or engagement.
B) The continued growth and development of creation, performance or presenting capacity in
the cultural sector, particularly in underserved communities or sectors. Such as: developing a
performance circuit or a curated presentation space.
C) Support opportunities for artists to execute projects that explore and develop ties between
contemporary art and cultural heritage or history.
D) Support Yukon artists to develop or prepare their work for the national or international stage. Such
as: mounting or rehearsing a production for a national tour and other preparation
activities or preparing for a national cultural event such as cultural contingent for major sporting
games, Northern Scene, etc.
The maximum allocation per application is $10,000. Typically, only one application per applicant can be
funded each year.
Requests under $1,000 may be submitted for consideration at any time, wherespecial circumstances
prevent the applicant from waiting until the next intake. All Yukon residents (persons having lived in
Yukon for a minimum of one full year prior to applying) and Yukon organizations may apply.
APPLICATION DEADLINES (ANNUAL) January 15 • April 15 • September 15
For more information, please visit: www.kiac.ca/culture-quest or call 1 (867) 993 5005
Culture Quest Funding is provided by the Government of Yukon,
Department ofTourism and Culture, and administered
by the Klondike Institute of Art and Culture (KIAC).
The Riverside Arts Festival is happy to welcome three Northern Fibres Guild (NFG) members from
Whitehorse to the 2019 Festival: Janice Brodie, Jean Carey and Wendy Nixon.
Come meet them and learn their craft throughout the weekend at the Demo Tent from 1 - 4 PM on both
Saturday and Sunday!
The Northern Fibres Guild is a group who enjoys working and learning about fibres. Their interests are
diverse and include knitting, spinning, weaving, dyeing and felting, to name a few. The NFG mandate is
to support members in increasing their skills and to provide support and education to the public
regarding the fibre arts. The NFG also coordinates the annual Cranberry Fair in Whitehorse.