2019 US Spa Industry Study 2019 Compensation Supplement | Page 24

Unstaffed Positions: Service Providers When asked if they have any unstaffed service provider positions, 54% of spas said they had openings that they are actively trying to fill, ranging from 63% of resort/hotel spas, 55% of day spas and 41% of other spas. The number of unfilled service provider positions is estimated at 28,420 of which 14,110 are full time and 14,310 part-time. Massage therapists account for the largest number of unfilled positions that spas are currently trying to fill, a total of 17,310 representing 61% of unfilled service provider positions. The proportion did not vary greatly between day spas (62%) and resort/hotel spas (60%). Estheticians account for an estimated 6,990 unstaffed positions (25%). The esthetician share of service provider vacancies was higher among day spas (25%) compared to resort/hotel spas (17%). The remaining 4,120 positions are for nail technicians (14%). The esthetician share of service provider vacancies was higher among resort/hotel spas (23%) compared to day spas (13%). The number of unfilled service provider positions equates to 8% of total employment in the spa industry as of May 2019. It should be noted that unfilled positions arise both for new job openings and for other reasons (i.e., some unfilled positions will replace employees who have, for example, left for a job elsewhere). Unstaffed Positions Esthetician 3,980 Massage therapist 3,010 8,320 Full-time 8,990 Part-time Nail technician 1,810 2,310 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 24