While on your tour of the Amish countryside south of
Tomah, please be sure to watch out for horse-drawn
buggies, wagons, and pedestrians. They travel slowly
and should be approached with care. Sundays are
especially heavily trafficked due to Amish families
attending religious services, visiting relatives, etc.
Amish homes are easily identified by their lack of
modern machinery. They are usually painted white.
The majority of the Amish farms also have windmills.
Be sure to take note of “additions” to their homes; an
addition generally means a son has married, and the
family now needs an additional room for a new couple.
To begin your tour, travel south down
Superior Ave/Hwy 12. Leaving Tomah,
this road not only speeds up, but changes
to Hwy 131. You will know when you
are entering the Amish community by the
yellow caution sign with an Amish buggy
on it. At the top of the hill you will need to
turn left onto County Hwy A. At the end of King Road you will be
taking a right onto Hwy 71. Since this is
a Highway you will need to increase your
speed here. You can travel about 3 miles
before turning right, back on to Hwy 131
north to Tomah or you can continue on
the trip to Down a Country Road Amish Gift
Shops & Tours.
Travel 2.3 miles down County Hwy A
before taking a right on to King Road.
King Road is where you will find the
majority of the Amish families’ homes in
our area. Your trek on King Road is only
about 8 miles, so be sure to drive slow and
take it all in. Be aware of the sharp turns
and pedestrians. If you choose to go further, continue on
Hwy 131 (which turns into Hwy 71/131)
through the communities of Wilton and
Ontario. After about 11 miles (in the village
of Ontario) turn right onto Hwy 33. Follow
Hwy 33 for around 8 miles, this will lead
you to Down a Country Road Amish Gift Shops
& Tours (on your left hand side).
On the next page you will find a map to guide you on your way.
It’s an Amish Area Woodworking, Craft and Greenhouse Map!
12651 St. Hwy. 33, Cashton, Wi 54619
downacountryroad.com • 608-654-5318
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