The Amish chose the Tomah area for the
rich and fertile farmland, low real estate
prices, and the lay of land. They also
chose this area because it was far from
a city of any size, which might influence
their youth to the worldly ways – and yet
close enough to a small town that has
exactly what they need. A bank, post
office, grocery store, hardware store and
a feed mill.
The Amish in this area have rapidly
increase in population in the past years,
now growing to over 200 families. The
average family will have as many as 10-
14 children.
The Amish community is divided into
several church districts. Each church
district is led by a Bishop, two Ministers,
and a Deacon. Most Amish are farmers,
but many have taken up a craft or trade
to make their living.
The Amish way of life revolves around
the family and their church community.
Quilting, bees, barn raisings, and
Sunday services in the home are just
a few of the ways the Amish keep the
family unit strong.
The Amish school their children in their
own one room schoolhouse where all
eight grades are taught. The children
start school at age 6 and will usually
complete all of their schooling by the
time they are 13 or 14. No higher
education is allowed as this might lead
to losing them to the English culture.
The three basics: reading, writing, and
arithmetic are all that are required in the
Amish schools.
Next, you will find a self-guided driving
tour through our Amish community
south of Tomah!
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