2019 Racial Profiling Report 2016 Racial Profiling Report | Page 38

 (race) (Note: Officers may not ask the individual to identify their race) (Revised 04-09-10) If officer knew race prior to contact: A = Asian C = Black I = Hispanic F = Native American X = White P = Other L = Middle Eastern If officer did not know race prior to contact: D = Asian B = Black H = Hispanic E = Native American W = White O = Other K = Middle Eastern  (gender) M = Male F = Female  (reason for stop) X = hazardous violation N = non-hazardous violation I = investigative stop  (final outcome) K = arrest, misdemeanor L = arrest, felony C = citation R = released without either a citation or arrest (Note: When an individual is arrested for a felony and misdemeanor, enter the arrest letter L)  (resident status) A = Arlington resident V = Visitor (does not reside in Arlington)  (search outcome) P = consent search, property found Q = consent search, drugs/alcohol found S = consent search, no contraband found T = probable cause search, property found U = probable cause search, drugs/alcohol found V = probable cause search, no contraband found Z = no search conducted