REQUIREMENTS (Revised 04-09-10) (Revised 12-08-14)
A. Each peace officer of the City shall make the following report for each traffic stop and for
every subject stop that an officer is not dispatched:
1. a physical description of the driver involved in a traffic stop and a physical description of
each person involved in an officer-initiated subject stop, including:
a. the person’s gender;
b. whether the officer knew the person’s race or ethnicity prior to contact; and
c. if the race or ethnicity was unknown prior to the stop, the race or ethnicity as stated
by the person. If the person does not state a race or ethnicity, it shall be determined by
the officer to the best of their ability;
2. the traffic law or ordinances alleged to have been violated or the suspected offense;
3. whether the officer conducted a search as a result of the stop, and, if so, whether the
person detained consented to the search;
4. whether any contraband was discovered in the course of the search and the type of
contraband discovered;
5. whether probable cause to search existed and the facts supporting the existence of that
probable cause;
6. whether the officer made an arrest as a result of the stop or the search, including a
statement of the offense charged;
7. the street address or approximate location of the stop; and
8. whether the officer issued a citation as a result of the stop, including a description of the
violation charged.
The following process shall be adhered to when officers conduct traffic stops or subject
stops in which the officer is not dispatched:
Officers must checkout on every vehicle and subject stop, via MDC mark out or
radio communication with dispatch.
A call for service will be initiated automatically for every vehicle and subject
stop. Initiating the call requires no additional action by the officer. However, the
call must be cleared with a disposition code at the conclusion of the stop.
Every officer with a MDC must clear the call on the MDC and not through
dispatch. Only an officer without a properly operating MDC will clear the call
through dispatch.
Every vehicle or subject stop must be cleared with a six-letter sequence. The six-
letter sequence captures data in six categories of information: race, gender, reason
for stop, whether a search was conducted, final outcome, and resident status. The
officer is required to collect the information only on the driver (not the
passenger(s)) on a vehicle stop. The officer must collect the information on each
subject stop. For example, if 3 individuals are questioned on a subject stop, then
there should be three calls opened and closed using the six-letter sequence. The
codes are as follows: