2019 CIIP Program Book CIIP Booklet 2019 | Page 43

Community Partner: Shepherd’s Clinic Intern: Kristin Knight Site Supervisor: Ellen Sangiamo What is Shepherd’s Clinic? To provide comprehensive health care for those who cannot afford commercial insurance, yet do not qualify for government assistance. • Compiling data from collect- ed surveys on patient satisfac- tion and overall health • Calling and scheduling pa- tients for appointments with doctors and behavioral health counselors • Organizing and labeling med- ical documents through an online database called Prac- ticeFusion • Presenting a powerpoint on the social determinants of health in Baltimore City I was overcome with intimidation upon arriving at Shepherd’s Clinic for my first day of work. Pag- es upon pages of color coded scheduling and patient information filled the computer screens, which seemed to be no surprise to the more experienced volunteers at the front desk. I remem- ber thinking to myself that it would take me the entirety of the eight weeks at my internship to get the hang of all of the computer programs being used. However, through trial and error, I was able to become comfortable with all of the new tasks that I was given. The first day of work had me a nervous wreck, but within the next two weeks I was on my feet training newer volunteers and even helping the more experienced volunteers figure out their tasks as well. One of the most routine tasks I was involved in was scheduling appointments. Often times these calls led to numerous questions and concerns that I honestly felt unqualified to answer. I didn’t realize how much patients relied on receptionists and front desk persons to relay information about their health. Most of my calls during the first week were directed to my supervisors and other people who were more informed than I, but I was determined to be able to handle phone calls all on my own and make the right judgements. Thankfully everyone at Shepherd’s Clinic was super friendly and helpful which made my transition very smooth. Calls about hospital refer- rals and Pre-Operational appointments became a breeze. The most rewarding part of my job was getting to know patients. At the clinic I learned a lot about social determinants of health and gave a presentation about these determinants during my 5th week working here. I learned that few patients have a car or access to a bus. Many patients walk to work. I’ve learned from local Baltimore residents that asthma and diabetes are common and run in families for generations. These can all be attributed to the environment and food access. People who are unable to afford health insurance need healthcare the most. The patients here really appreciate all the work that is being done and I’ve been able to understand their lives more than ever before thanks to this internship. 42