2019 CIIP Program Book CIIP Booklet 2019 | Page 42

Being from Baltimore, I wasn’t sure what to expect with the CIIP Internship. Sure, I was going to learn a lot more about Baltimore, but unlike most of the other interns, I have lived here for my whole life. I wasn’t coming in with an outside lens, rather a unique, insider perspective that I could implement within my placement. Boy was I wrong. Although I don’t like to admit it, I grew up very sheltered in Baltimore. Roland Park, Charles Vil- lage, and Mt. Vernon was the extent of my scope of the city, and while I knew a lot about the various neighborhoods, I never actually went into them and got to know the people directly. CIIP allowed me to do that. Working at the front desk, I talked directly with community members that are all so passionate about their neighborhood and the people in it. Every day we have a parent come into the school for one reason or another, and every staff member comes out to greet them and catch up. They know what every family has to go through and are right there to help them every step of the way, whether it is giving families groceries every week or having a bus come pick the students up di- rectly when they are displaced from their homes. Seeing the impact RWC has on the families and the community as a whole has been so motivating and has helped light the path for my future. I have learned so much about the non-profit sector and the work that is being done throughout the city. I have been so blessed to be able to be a part of this team and to be so welcomed by the commu- nity and by Robert W. Coleman. These past eight weeks have flown by due to the hard work that never stops and by the amazing staff members I get to work alongside. Being around like-minded people who are so passionate about our city and its people has been life-changing and continues to motivate me every day to continue to give back and advocate for Baltimore. Community Partner: Robert W Coleman Elementary School - Child First Authority Intern: Yvette Bailey-Emberson Site Supervisor: Bertha Knight What is Child First Authority? Child First Authority (CFA) provides funding to (1) organize high quality, after school and in-school programs in Baltimore City Public Schools, (2) organize parents, school staff, and community partners to act on their vision of a brighter future for BCPS children. • Communicated with families experiencing homelessness to complete renewal applications to receive services such as bus transportation, free uniforms, groceries, etc. • Corresponded with parents regarding student placement and the school’s move to a new building, as well as implemented the transfer and enroll- ment process for students • Facilitated the school’s move through packing and labeling boxes, visiting the new space, and prioritizing resources for distribution • Supervised students in grades Pre K-5 during their enrichment activities in the morning 41