2019 CIIP Program Book CIIP Booklet 2019 | Page 38
The Nate Tatum experience has been a pleasant surprise. At the beginning
of the internship, I was concerned with how I could contribute meaningful
work at the Nate Tatum Center. While there were periods of time when I
didn’t have a large number of assigned tasks, the Center provided plenty of
projects to contribute towards.
One of the biggest lessons I learned this summer was the importance of
ground-work efforts and how the determination of community workers
can have dramatic effects on the quality of life in the neighborhood. I also
learned how efforts implemented in the community, that aren’t wanted in the
community, won’t be effective. The work and cooperation is critical in start-
ing any program.
Finally, while at Community Day, I realized that any effort/solution can always
be improved for the better or adjusted , exemplified by the type and quali-
ty of food we gave at the event. These lessons have made my time at Nate
Tatum a great experience and one I am glad to have participated in.
• Completed a Health and Resident Interest
• Completed an Asset Map for the Barclay
• Contributed to the Moasic-tile neighborhood
beautification project
• Helped with production of Community Day
• Ran the social media profile for Nate Tatum
• Researched a historical project on 20th Street
in Barclay
Community Partner: Nate Tatum
Community Center
Intern: Benjamin Laurin
Site Supervisor: Nadji Kirby
What is the Nate Tatum
Community Center?
The Nate Tatum Center seeks to
empower community members
by providing a safe and welcom-
ing place where they are able to
engage in high quality enriching
programming aimed at im-
proving personal and collective