2019 CIIP Program Book CIIP Booklet 2019 | Page 37
Community Partner: MOMCares
Intern: Fatima Kamara
Site Supervisor: Ana Rodney
What is MOMCares?
MOMCares serves under-supported mothers with a NICU experience in Baltimore City
by providing postpartum doula care including transportation, childcare, advocacy, self
care opportunities, and nutritious meals to mothers and their families.
This summer has truly been an incredible experience for me, both personally and professionally.
I’m so grateful for the opportunity that the Center for Social Concern and its Community Im-
pact Internships Program have afforded me, because for the first time since I’ve been at Hop-
kins, I feel at home. I feel way more comfortable in Baltimore in general, because this summer
has encouraged me to push beyond the stereotypes and misconceptions about this city. Our
program leaders and my supervisor, Ms. Ana, have made direct contributions to the changes in
my perception by making efforts to not only show me different parts of the city, but to educate
me about its rich, often forgotten history simultaneously. These efforts have helped me gain a
greater sense of connection to the community members that I’ve interacted with, and I hope
this continues when the summer is over.
Such exposure to the city and its people has helped me better understand the unique strug-
gles that black mothers at my placement may face. Throughout this summer with MOMCares,
I’ve done a lot of things that any typical intern may do, but I take pride in the fact that the work
we’re doing gradually impacts families’ lives for the better - even down to the smallest of tasks.
In this short amount of time, I’ve witnessed the formation of a community right in front of our
very eyes, and I am happy that I am able to support these efforts. I’ve learned that although no
two experiences will be identical, the experience of motherhood alone brings about a shared
identity amongst women. It is important that we as a society do more to assist mothers so
that they may nurture their children in the best ways possible, as they will grow to become the
leaders of tomorrow. However, modern day society is not very accommodating for mothers, let
alone mothers who may experience hardship associated with things like having a premature
baby in the NICU. What I love most about MOMCares is the authenticity that it brings to the
table while addressing this issue, and I hope to see it reach more mothers in the community as
time progresses.
• Assisted with childcare, tracked
attendance, and provided ad-
ministrative support for the
Young Mothers Program
• Supported two clients by pro-
viding SSI paperwork, delivering
Uber gift cards, and more
• Conducted interviews for &
delegated tasks to volunteers
on Catchafire as well as to other
• Distributed flyers and spoke to
community members via phone
and email about our mission,
Young Mothers Program, and
Healing Circles