2018 Racial Profiling Report 2018 Racial Profiling Report | Page 46

transported to access a health professional ; and
( C ) if funding is available under Section 511.019 , install automated electronic sensors or cameras to ensure accurate and timely in-person checks of cells or groups of cells confining at-risk individuals .
SECTION 3.06 . Section 511.009 , Government Code , is amended by adding Subsection ( d ) to read as follows :
( d ) The commission shall adopt reasonable rules and procedures establishing minimum standards regarding the continuity of prescription medications for the care and treatment of prisoners . The rules and procedures shall require that a qualified medical professional shall review as soon as possible any prescription medication a prisoner is taking when the prisoner is taken into custody .
SECTION 3.07 . Chapter 511 , Government Code , is amended by adding Sections 511.019 , 511.020 , and 511.021 to read as follows :
Sec . 511.019 . PRISONER SAFETY FUND . ( a ) The prisoner safety fund is a dedicated account in the general revenue fund . ( b ) The prisoner safety fund consists of :
( 1 ) appropriations of money to the fund by the legislature ; and
( 2 ) gifts , grants , including grants from the federal government , and other donations received for the fund .
( c ) Money in the fund may be appropriated only to the commission to pay for capital improvements that are required under Section 511.009 ( a )( 23 ).
( d ) The commission by rule may establish a grant program to provide grants to counties to fund capital improvements described by Subsection ( c ). The commission may only provide a grant to a county for capital improvements to a county jail with a capacity of not more than 96 prisoners .
Sec . 511.020 . SERIOUS INCIDENTS REPORT . ( a ) On or before