2018 Racial Profiling Report 2018 Racial Profiling Report | Page 45

( A ) investigate and verify the veteran status of each prisoner by using data made available from the Veterans Reentry Search Service ( VRSS ) operated by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs or a similar service ; and ( B ) use the data described by Paragraph ( A ) to assist prisoners who are veterans in applying for federal benefits or compensation for which the prisoners may be eligible under a program administered by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs ;
( 22 ) [( 20 )] adopt reasonable rules and procedures regarding visitation of a prisoner at a county jail by a guardian , as defined by Section 1002.012 , Estates Code , that :
( A ) allow visitation by a guardian to the same extent as the prisoner ' s next of kin , including placing the guardian on the prisoner ' s approved visitors list on the guardian ' s request and providing the guardian access to the prisoner during a facility ' s standard visitation hours if the prisoner is otherwise eligible to receive visitors ; and
( B ) require the guardian to provide the sheriff with letters of guardianship issued as provided by Section 1106.001 , Estates Code , before being allowed to visit the prisoner ; and
( 23 ) adopt reasonable rules and procedures to ensure the safety of prisoners , including rules and procedures that require a county jail to :
( A ) give prisoners the ability to access a mental health professional at the jail through a telemental health service 24 hours a day ;
( B ) give prisoners the ability to access a health professional at the jail or through a telehealth service 24 hours a day or , if a health professional is unavailable at the jail or through a telehealth service , provide for a prisoner to be